this must be a dream

i noticed that have received a message from my friend in the US which is sent at a day before yesterday.
i noticed that I've received a message from my friend in the US, which was sent a day before yesterday. <--thank you kermit!

i thought that i've done rude things.
when looked at skype, she was online.
so i soon sent a message like "im sooooo sorry. i noticed today that you've sent a message."
but, she didnt answer anything. i thought "she must be angry or something".

after a while, i received a message from her-skype-id.

it was
hi,this is XXXX`s mom, she is still in bed i don`t know what time she will be up

oh. this must be a dream....


ちなみに何かを食べる音はもぐもぐと表現します incidentally, the sound of eating something is exapressed as もぐもぐ
擬音 onomatopoeia
anythingとsomethingは日本語では区別しません we don't differentiate anything and something in Japanse (we dont discriminate between anything and somethin(when you use this it sounds like you've been through college.)
なまけものなだけですけど im just being lazy