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ate a lot

I ate a lot today. and I was off to bed at usual time....after a while, I suddenly woke up with a stmachache.. eventually, I lost all I ate. haha.


We should make a plan for the trip to Paris. I don't know why but I couldn't think about it today.Anyway, I just made a reservation for the hotel. I couldn't do anymore...why... making plan is fun though..

to Tokyo

After I met my customer in Nagoya, I went to Tokyo for another meeting. The woman who works as a designer and I met at the Shinagawa Station. Visiting the station was after a while.Our company don't have enought knowledge of design. So I a…

to Nagoya.

I had a bisiness trip to Nagoya. That needs of the client was to develop a website for ECO.The contents seemed to be interesting. I hope he will make a decition to our suggestion.

A Bisiness Trip

I organized my documents today. and I realized money for my company was less than account ledgers. It was almost 400 dollers. I don't know why... - I was going to work at my office yesterday. But I suddenly got a phone-call from a presiden…

feel sick

I felt sick today. I am not sure but it may be a fay fever. or I am weak because of the fluctuating temperature. and today was very cold. so it may be one of reasons.. I don't know. I feel sick anyway.


Itemization: 1.I couldn't met a new commer for a company in the same building. 2.I analyzed data structure and wrote some documents for developing. 3.My wife has hay fever. she said today's pollen in the air was terribly a lot. 4.W…

this is yesterday’s things.

We had dinner at the crab restaurant named 甲羅. 甲羅 means 'shell' in English. I ate crab after a while. delicious...

a new car

My wife's father was going to buy a new car. My wife and I could not belive it. because recent economy situation is terrible. the used car will be enought.Eventually, we went to the car shop. and started negotiating for buying a car. The c…

expecting souvenir

My wife was go out for dinner with her friend. When I finished work, it was at 8. I came back home. but she had still been out. so I microwaved curry and rice. and ate it.I expected she came back with souvenir for me. but was nothing...


インド人の友達を紹介しようとした時のこと。「are you interested in him?」と聞いたら、それはお付き合いしたいかどうかを聞いてるように聞こえるらしい。 興味があるかどうかを聞くなら、are you interested in meeting him? are you interested in talki…


I had forgetten to go to the bank. so, I couldn't pay this month's salary! I am sorry. please wait by tomorrow.

I love soda.

I love soda. so, I stated to collect soda's photos I drank. I thought I should have started collecting earlier.

rain day.

The weather report said that this week would have rainy days. As expected, today was a rainy day.I think I shouldn't be affected by the weather.

Wedding Anniversary

Today was Wedding Anniversary. Three years has passed sice I got married alrady. We didn't have anything special for today. it might be sad thing. but we are focusing money on an another plan. that is a trip to Europ. we wont hope anything…

meat! meat!

The special sale that sold foods made in Hokkaido, was held in Yokkaichi. I think Japanese really like this kind of sale. many people was comming and buying.After that, we went in a YAKINIKU restaurant. for dinner. It is priced reasonably …

new word ’gutter’

I learned new word. it's 'gutter'."my mind is in the gutter"I think this sentence would be perfect except that content.

a new contract

We got new contract to develop a system. Economy situation is bad. so, getting a new task is very important thing for us.

a meeting

I had a meeting today at 7:00 pm. a man in the meeing didn't try to feel the atomosphere. I mean he talked for a long time, though everyone was not interested in that talk.


I heard that my grandmother died. We hadn't live togather. and I haven't met for a long time by many reasons. my mind is very complicated.


the design for our application has been late. hey... when are you going to finish it?

piggy bun

Can you belive this is food? It was too cute to eat. but my wife ate it without even hasitating...

Today’s lunch

I cooked lunch by using rice cooker. It was delicious. so took a photo but its color is almost brown. so you may not feel it looks like delicious.

acquaintance came

my acquaintance came to our office today. we talked a lot about bisiness.

catching a cold

My wife seemed to catch a cold. So, I took her to the hospital this morning. after that, I went to office later than usual. I don't hope her viruses comes to me.

National Foundation Day.

Today is a holiday of National Foundation Day. I think most japanese are on holiday but we are working. besically, we work on holiday.

reardless of any situation.

I asked a person for desinging our web application. but it was not on time. he seemed to have some reasons. but professional should finish it well regardless of any situation.I should judge whether continuing it or stoping it at next meeti…

fluctuating temperature

今日覚えたこと I am weak because of the fluctuating temperature. 気温の変化に弱い


I forgot everything! so I can not write anything!