
threw up

i suddenly felt sick tonight and threw up. there was no heat.i didnt have a fever. i lay down for two hours. so it was getting better. i wonder if i was tired.

air conditioning equipment

an air conditioning equipment was supposed to installto be installed in our new office. but, it was hard rain dayrainning hard so vender said they wasntwerent able to do it. also this week, we have to work without air conditioning...


i found a reason the reason of the trouble on my pc. LAN-CARD were My LAN-CARD was not working. that was why i wasnt able to connect to internet the internet. so i went to the electrical shop and bought new one a new one. but...it was unsu…


ill go to bed


talked with my friend for the first time. it was relaxing time it was a relaxing time.and my stress went somewhere. 楽しかったです。


i was too besy to write dairly. but i cant stand it.



my pc

my pc still is out of work.there are somethings bad today. i wonder drink.


pc in my house got trouble at network.i got angly about it.


i brought desks to new office. it was heavy. most of things in fother office were brought. it got ready to work.


i had a headache. i think the cause is my posture. it's not good. many people say it.


i had a headache. i think the cause is my posture. it's not good. many people say it.

the things i should know

i had meetings all day. one of them made me know a lot of important things. im sure it is great experience for my feauter.

difficult offer

i got a difficult offer today. and i also noticed that people around me were expecting my business. i have obligation to answer it. that's why i probably shouldnt agree with that offer.

national tresure

i watched national tresure. it was good movie.i think this type of movie is ハズレがない.

I’ll go to bet

so sleepy that i cant keep waking up.

bringing my pc

i brought our server ,my pc and my chair to new office today. it's not enough to work there yet because i was not able to bring my desk. but it's getting like office.


it's 1 am now. recently,i cant get in bet early. i dont know why.but i usualy come to wanna do something in the night.

hair cut

i am going to visit a president we met last week tomorrow. so i had hair cut. i think first impression is very important for business.


i've just finished the meeting on the net. now is 23:56. i should sleep for yesterday as soon as possible. but, my brain has been waking up. so i think i need more time for sleeping than usual.


i bought さくらんぼティー.it is delicious and smale fruity.especialy the price is reasenable. 1000ml a doller.

i pulled it off

i've finished setting network at new office. it was a pain in the neck. it was terrible rain and thander today.i turned off my pc and waited it passed.


i watched two DVDs, beowulf and marie antoinette. but i cant say those were good.i have one more, national tresure. i wonder if it is better than others.

new office

i went to new office,though today is holiday. moved some desks which isnt used to another room.and cleaned the floor. we was suppsed to setting up network for computers.but had something trouble.didnt know what wrong is.so im gonna try it …

new office

we are planning to move to new offece. it will become double compere to now. but i have to work for that tomorrow.


i have a teeeeeeeeeerrible headache. i cant do anything. but, i should write this...


i wanna throw out my stress and bought some munches. eating is good to do it. i think.

lemon pop

i love lemon pop. if i could drink it everyday, i would be happy. but much sugar is used for it. so it's not healthy.

work at my home

today was rain. and i worked at my home. working at office is better for concentration than my home. so i dont like working at home so much.


i bought a new cellphone named P705iμ which is very thin and stylish. the price was around $350. expensive...