
3 days ago, my wife got a phone call from her mother.
Her mother suggested to go to Kyoto. Of cause, we agreed with her.
Today was the day to go to Kyoto.

First, we went to 上賀茂神社 (Kamigamo Shrine), which is a world heritage.

Next, we went to Japanese Tea Shop 一保堂. (Ippodo)and drank tea.

I found tea that the price was 73,500 yen (around 750 dollers!). can you belive? I wasn't able to buy it. so, I just took a photo. lol

after that shop, we went to the main market in Kyoto called 四条市場 (Shijo market).

漬物 japanese pickles.

魚介類と野菜 fishes and vegitables.

お惣菜 prepared food.

市場の様子 the market atmosphere.

たこやき Takoyaki. I love it!

dinner was 京懐石 (Kyo kaiseki)
we usually visite this restaurant. 石塀小路さくら(Ishibeikouji sakura).

I took many photos. you can watch those here.