
I cooked lunch. it dosen't look like delicious. but auctually, it was delicious!


Also this friday, I drank some wine. hehe..delicious.


I really hope I will be able to visit Paris again. however the situation around me is hard to execute that plan. well..

a conference for presidents

A conference for presidents was held in the building where my office is. I think the discussion will be useful for my bisiness.

節分 Setubun

Today is a day called Setubun which is an event to throw beans and beat off bad-god and invite good-god. the house I live right now is a room of condominium. so we couldn't throw a lot of beans. If we threw a lot, people who live under flo…


Time really gose fast. and the world economy is getting bad. I just do my best. noting else.

Lunch at art museum

I went to the art museum in my city. Actually, I didn't get into the museum. because our purpose was the restaurant in front of the museum. It was reasonably priced. so I like there.


I often listened to mixi music while I was working. But recently, I access Last.fm to listen to the music. the music is very useful to be relaxing.


I like Chianti wine. it is reasonable price for the taste. also tonight, I drank it and ate pasta.


My bisiness partner went to Korea and he came back yesterday. This is a souvenir he gave me.韓国海苔(Korean laver)


僕がよく使う「倍」という表現。5倍高いとか。 the price of beer is 5 times as much as before. the price of beer is 5 times as must as in the past. the price of beer is 5 times what it used to be. the price of beer is 5 times as it was befor…

what is next function..

I am thinking of ...next function for my application... I am thinking... I am thinking.... I am thinking.....ok. I am off to bed..

voice chat

my bisiness partner is in Korea right now. I wonder he is enjoying.I had a voice chat with Daniel today. It was very fun. Daniel spoke Japanese better than I thought. his pronounciation of Japanese was very good.I hope we can voice-chat ag…

Tsubaki Shrine

Today, I went to Tubaki shrine. I cought a cold and had been in the bed this new year's days. that is why I haven't been to the shrine to pray.I was thinking of a few people would be there. but actually, there were many cars at the car sto…


I love Paris in France. we are planning to go again. Japanese Yen is strong now. so it makes me easy to go.

distant memory 遠い記憶 I am blowing off work. 仕事さぼっている(友達用のいいまわし)

my friend in India

I talked with a friend in India on Skype. He spoke Japanese fluency. so, I was surprised.He said he became a champion of Japanese speaker in his city. that is why he can.I wonder when I become like him as English speaker. and I thought it …

too cold

Today was too cold in my city. the air conditioning equipment didn't work well, I think the temperature was such cold.


I had a short meeting today. we were dicided minor things one by one.an idea might be not only one. but when those are mixed, I think it will become something new.


now is winter season. also economy is. if I keep enough stock, not making an action may be better. just withstand it.


I ate sweet named 鶏卵素麺 which means noodles of kicken's egg. well...yea..it was..good. maybe. I think it depends on indivisual.


3 days ago, my wife got a phone call from her mother. Her mother suggested to go to Kyoto. Of cause, we agreed with her. Today was the day to go to Kyoto. First, we went to 上賀茂神社 (Kamigamo Shrine), which is a world heritage. Next, we …

server environment

I checked a server environment which would be installed our web-application. GD Libraly was version 1.0 but our server's for developing was 2.0. So, I was worring wheather it worked or not.in fact, it worked! I did it!

cotonoha logo

I had a meeting Today. In the meeting, a designer showed us Cotonoha-Logo. It was cool! when I take the degital file, I'll let show you guys.


I wrote about Fegg yesterday. also it wasn't working well. but we make it solved! it became good Framework for us.


We have a PHP Framework named Fegg which has many function for International website. Today, we add it new functions for mobile phone.but it is not working well yet..

I searched for why we write it. my teeth are belated effort.We are making a web-application for a temple. haha it's an interesting application.I thought customer's needs were veriety.


I am thinking of ...a lot I am thinking of ...a lot I am thinking of ...a lotSo, I am getting sleeply.

good morning

I slept in this morning. my wife says I should wake up earier... But it's ok. today is Saturday. I think.

several works

We have several works right now. All of them are important but I need to judge their priority. our resources are not infinity..